20 Questions to ask your dentist

Finding the best holistic dentist for your needs isn’t always straightforward, as the terminology used on their websites and advertising is often confusing. Therefore an essential step in finding a truly holistic dentist is to do your research beforehand by asking some crucial questions.

Here’s a list of 20 questions to help you with your online search and to understand how they treat patients and their procedures. Of course, you should also try to talk to the dentist in a one-on-one consultation, or at the very least, you should ask the receptionist some crucial questions before agreeing to any treatment for yourself or your children.

1. Are all of the dentists in your practice mercury-free?
Your silver fillings are over 50% mercury, which is a toxic metal that has no safety level. Therefore, all amalgam removal should be carried out with safety precautions protecting the patient, dentist, assistant nurse and the Environment. It only takes one pro amalgam dentist to contaminate the whole facility.

2. Are you mercury Safe?
A true holistic practice will have air filtration and wastewater specialised traps in place.

3. Do you use latex rubber dams for your procedures?
Only non-latex dams should be used when replacing a silver filling. Latex should be avoided.

4. Are you SMART certified? Do you protect the patient from inhaling mercury vapour when drilling out old silver fillings?
Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique protects the patient, staff and the planet.

5. Do you tell your patients that mercury is potentially released from your fillings when you eat, drink and grind your teeth?

6. Do you assess airways, breathing habits and sleep?
Deep restful healing sleep is achieved with optimal nasal breathing and a healthy bite.

7. Do you carry out root canal therapy? If so, how do you sterilise the tooth?
If the answer is yes, ask if they use lasers or ozonated solutions to clean the canals. Do they refer to an Endodontist if removal is not your desired option?

8. Do you use the technology of Cone Beam CT to assess the health of all the teeth, jaws, sinus and infections and pathology from root canal treated dead teeth?
An integrated holistic dentist should have access to a CBCT to give an accurate diagnosis.

9. Do you recommend fluoride products and fluoridation?
The answer should be a straight no. Diet, hydration and nutritional guidance are essential with Oral probiotics, Hydroxyapatite, Vitamin D3/K2, Coconut oil and Dr Weston Price philosophy.

10. Do you accept electrical galvanism in your patient’s mouth is a problem?
Suppose you have different metals in your mouth, such as mercury silver/ black metal fillings, gold crowns, titanium implants and metal dentures. In that case, there will be potentially an electrical charge between all of these metals, which can lead to corrosion and mercury release from amalgam fillings. Biological dentistry views galvanic currents as a hurdle to achieving excellent health and vitality especially now as we are surrounded by electo-magnetic frequencies (EMF).

11. Have you trained in Nutritional and Environmental medicine? What are your postgraduate qualifications?

12. Do you place titanium implants?
A titanium implant was the only choice in an otherwise metal-free mouth until ceramic implants were invented. Swiss and German dentists have placed Zirconia ceramic implants for over 20 years. Zirkolith Z-Systems Ceramic implant systems are available for use in Australia with TGA approval as well as Zeramex XT, Straumann Snow and Nobel Pearl. In addition, they all offer a ten-year structural warranty similar to titanium.

13. Is your practice fragrance-free?
Chemically sensitive patients do not want to be exposed to perfumes, essential oils or chemical deodorisers.

14. What composite resin do you use? Does it contain Bis GMA when cured?
Bis GMA is a xenoestrogen that potentially mimics and disturbs hormones. However, Bis GMA free resins do exist.

15. How do you stop amalgam scraps from going up your suction and into the wastewater?
A small trap attached to the chair and suction unit will not trap all mercury. However, an Ecocycle system will stop 99%.

16. Are you aware of the Minamata Convention?
Over 128 countries signed this treaty to commit to the phase-out of the use of dental amalgam and reduction in Mercury by 2020.

17. Are you placing ceramic implants?
Zirconia dental implants have been used successfully in Europe for 20 years. In addition, ceramic implants from Zeramex, Z-Systems, Straumann and Nobel Biocare are all available in Australia today.

18. Do you use proven homeopathic and nutritional supplements for dental conditions?
Knowledge of natural remedies is part and parcel of a truly holistic dentist’s repertoire when dealing with pre and post-surgical management and post-amalgam replacement. A sound knowledge of interactions with medical drugs and conditions is essential.

19 . Can you make a crown or inlay in one visit?
Advanced same day digital Cad Cam dentistry is now mainstream – Primescan of Cerec systems is the World’s best.

20. Are you a practice that is owned by a corporate entity?
The practice may look like an independent practice, but it may have been sold to a Dental Corporation that uses the word ‘holistic’ in marketing, even though most of its services are mainstream.

Dental Wellness has over 30 years of experience with holistic principles and Dr David Cowhig has post graduate qualifications in Nutritional & Environmental Medicine and Anti- Ageing Medicine as well as advanced dental training with ceramic implants and use of your own blood products that take away pain and accelerate healing if you are having an infected tooth removed or placing ceramic implants. Dental Wellness has become the Wellness and Natural Health Community’s first choice. If you are concerned with your mercury silver fillings or a root canal treated dead tooth in your mouth and you want a safe healthy solution then we are the practice for you.

Being happy with your smile is also an integral part of your overall self-esteem and well-being. Working closely with a world-class dental technician, Dental Wellness can achieve the smile you have always dreamed of, with the reassurance that your health is a top priority.


Keep Smiling,
It’s good for You!

Dr David Cowhig, the founder of the Dental Wellness clinics, is a pioneer in holistic metal free dentistry & aesthetics, providing scientific-based biological dentistry. We support you as an individual and take into account the variety of factors that can lead to dental and oral health problems. We believe passionately that creating health and beauty around us is an integral part of life and you will feel these qualities in our dental care. You can find us at The Gap in Brisbane, focussing on holistic aesthetic total metal-free dentistry.

Contact Dental Wellness on 07 3511 1399 or email reception@dentalwellness.com.au.

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