Hi, I’m Dr. David Cowhig, founder of dental wellness. I’m making a short video today about our oral fitness plan and I’m going to break it up to explain what all the letters in FITNESS mean. So the first one is the letter F, which stands for function. And this is for people who have a lot of either TMJ problems or headaches or migraines. It’s important that their teeth and their bite are assessed because it can be one of the main factors why you’re getting headaches, why you’re getting migraines. Why you’re waking up with a sore neck? It’s often because of how your bite comes together. And if you’re working with chiropractors and osteopaths or physiotherapists, it’s important to come to a holistic dentist like Dental Wellness. So we can assess and optimise that function.

Oral FITNESS Scorecard-2

So the I in FITNESS stands for inflammation and infection. Now, inflammation starts in the mouth and we can actually see it as dentists. So if your gums are visibly red or when you brush your teeth and you spit into the sink and there’s a red stain in your saliva, then that’s a sign of gingivitis which can lead to gum disease. Now gum disease doesn’t hurt, but it can lead to a bacterial infection that will challenge your whole system and has been linked to a whole range of chronic illnesses from heart disease, stroke, diabetes, even some cancers with the bacteria. So we want to help you to optimise your mouth and eliminate all of the inflammation in your mouth and also any infections. Because gum disease is actually an infection in the body. So that’s the first infection we have to address. Address your gum health.

And then we eliminate any infections, whether it be wisdom teeth infections. You might have an impacted wisdom tooth and that will be getting swollen from time to time and getting very sore, and maybe not being able to open your mouth as wide. That is an infection in itself, which will be potentially making you a bit sick. And then there’re dead teeth and root canal treated teeth that have got infections under the end of them. Now they all need to be addressed so that we can optimise your whole mouth. And we’ve now got a metal-free solution to resolve all of those issues. So if you end up missing teeth, we can restore them with Zirconia implants and all-ceramic crowns and bridges. So there really is a metal-free solution so that you’re eliminating the risk of inflammation in your body from your mouth and you’re optimising your health at the same time. So that’s what we aim to do for you and work together. So if you’re working with a naturopath or if you’re working with an integrative doctor to optimise your health, then it’s important that we are involved in the system as well so that we can help that doctor or that naturopath gets the best results.

So the T in oral fitness plan stands for toxicity. Now the toxicity is referring to the risks that there are some metals that are in your mouth that could be challenging your health. Obviously, the silver-mercury fillings have 50% mercury in their composition and that might create a metallic taste in your mouth. Sometimes your gums are bleeding and it’s related to that. And you may visit a naturopath or an integrated doctor and they say you need to really consider safely removing those mercury amalgam fillings. So we use what’s called a SMART protocol, which standards for Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique. Which protects you, it protects us and protects the environment from any exposure of mercury because it can be very dangerous. And then we resolve the situation and try to replace the filling with something strong that’s going to last a long, long time and it’s white as well, which is an added bonus.
The other aspect of metals in the mouth is the combination of metals. So we try to eliminate the combinations so that if you have gold and titanium and amalgam then there’s a real battery effect in your mouth and we want to try to minimise that as much as possible.  

Keep Smiling,
It’s good for You!

Dr David Cowhig, the founder of the Dental Wellness clinics, is a pioneer in holistic metal free dentistry & aesthetics, providing scientific-based biological dentistry. We support you as an individual and take into account the variety of factors that can lead to dental and oral health problems. We believe passionately that creating health and beauty around us is an integral part of life and you will feel these qualities in our dental care. You can find us at The Gap in Brisbane, focussing on holistic aesthetic total metal-free dentistry.

Contact Dental Wellness on 07 3511 1399 or email reception@dentalwellness.com.au.