Hi there. Most people really when they think of dentistry, they think of needing to have a filling done or have a tooth removed in the worst-case scenario, but you don’t really think about how the mouth could possibly be affecting your health. And if I were to...
So patients come to us feeling something is going on in their mouth that they’re not sure, or they’re not sure that there are any issues in the mouth. But they want to have a full check with the highest technology, and the least amount of radiation or the...
I often get asked the question is there a link to my potential Dementia or somebody in my family has Dementia or Parkinson’s or some neurological illness to my dental health. And there absolutely has to be, we have to rule out the dental issues because there are...
N So the N in the oral fitness plan is for nutrition. Now from day one of life to the last day of life, it’s so important that you’re able to eat the right foods. You’re able to eat without any pain and with good function of your jaw. But it’s...
Hi, I’m Dr. David Cowhig, founder of dental wellness. I’m making a short video today about our oral fitness plan and I’m going to break it up to explain what all the letters in FITNESS mean. So the first one is the letter F, which stands for...
So we’re often getting patients who are struggling with headaches, a lot of neck pain, and often migraines as well. And they’re searching for an answer. Often seeing chiropractors, osteopaths, and maybe physiotherapists. And they haven’t taken into...
Hi, I’m Dr David Cowhig, founder of Dental Wellness. I’m here to talk to you today about the answers to some of the questions that we’re getting from a lot of patients about their root canal treated teeth. The question mark, are they affecting their...
Hi, I’m Dr David Cowhig, founder of Dental Wellness. I’d like to talk today about the issue of root canal treatment. Now there’s a question on whether actually a root canal treated tooth is your roadblock to getting better from a chronic illness. And...
Hi, I’m Dr David Cowhig founder of Dental Wellness. I’d like to talk to you today about a simple test that we can do. If you have a root treated tooth in your mouth and it’s not hurting, it’s been maybe carried out by a specialist and...