Hi, I’m Dr David Cowhig, founder of Dental Wellness. I’d like to talk today about the issue of root canal treatment. Now there’s a question on whether actually a root canal treated tooth is your roadblock to getting better from a chronic illness. And this is a big question that a lot of people are asking because they’ve spent years trying to find the solution to their low energy and their chronic illnesses and they’ve never really considered their mouth in the situation. So I would suggest to you to come to a holistic dentist who understands the link between the health of the mouth and the health of the body. And with some modern technology with digital x-rays we’re able to see if there’s any chronic infection at the end of the teeth. Sometimes it’s not a hundred per cent clear, but we also have a Conebeam x-ray that gives a 3D picture of all of the roots of the teeth so we can make sure there’s no chronic infections. And also there’s some other tests that we can do.

There’s an Orotox test, which tests for toxicity of the bacteria that’s around the neck of each of the teeth. And that gives us a good indication on whether that tooth is actually a problem or not. So I would suggest you to contact Dental Wellness and we can organize to check out your root fillings and make sure that everything’s fine. Or that we set out a plan of action of addressing the infections, removing the infected root-filled teeth or infected teeth that haven’t been root treated, and then plan a solution. Whether it be a simple denture or a bonded bridge or a ceramic implant, and we can now restore a space with a totally metal free solution.

Dr David Cowhig, the founder of the Dental Wellness clinic, is a pioneer in holistic dentistry & aesthetics, providing scientific-based biological dentistry. We support you as an individual and take into account the variety of factors that can lead to dental and oral health problems. We believe passionately that creating health and beauty around us is an integral part of life and you will feel these qualities in our dental care. You can find us at The Gap in Brisbane, focussing on holistic aesthetic total metal-free dentistry.

Contact Dental Wellness on 07 3511 1399 or email reception@dentalwellness.com.au.