Probiotics for to healthy teeth

We have all heard of the saying, “You are what you eat”. This saying has been adapted to the nutritional medicine philosophy of “You are what you absorb”. However, I want to take this one step further as it now becoming clear that “You are what you host!”

Our body is not just made up of human cells. Contained on, or within, our body thrives a dynamic population of microbes that form a Meta-Organism. For every human cell, there are ten bacterial cells.

In the stomach alone, over 500 non-human species are living together in a Microbiome ecology. All of these microorganisms have evolved with the body. Each of us has a unique Microbiota that stabilises during the first years of life.

The pH of the gut, from the oral cavity to the anus, influences the bacteria that can thrive. Many digestive disorders are associated with a pH imbalance creating microbial disharmony, inflammation and a leaky gut.

The colonisation of the gastrointestinal tract begins even before birth as there is evidence of bacteria in the mother’s mouth infiltrating the unborn baby. This colonisation is affected by the mother’s microbiome, birthing technique and initial diet and, of course, geographical location. It takes the first two years of life to enable complete gut colonisation.

What is the purpose of the Microbiota?

Essential vitamins, nutrients, enzymes and the synthesis of short-chain fatty acids all originate from the gut. The excretion of heavy metals and even conversion of thyroid T4-T3 all happen in the gut. Reduction of inflammation systemically and locally is reduced when the microbiome increases T cell production.

If the pH of the gut is altered by poor diet, antibiotics, over sanitisation, chlorinated water, and toxicity, the single layer of epithelial cells known as the mucosal barrier is damaged, leading to acute and chronic inflammation. Lactic acid from fermenting commensals in the gut then penetrates the protective gut lining.

At Dental Wellness, we strive to assess the resting pH of the oral cavity and advise on beneficial types of hydration and what can negatively affect the gut microbiome. A healthy oral ph is 6.8-7.2, whereas the stomach is 1-3, the small intestine 4-7.5 and the large bowel 6-7.5.

If a patient has been taking antibiotics, we encourage the taking of probiotics. There are new evolutionary, unique, evidence-based probiotics for the maintenance of oral health and hygiene. For example, BioGaia Prodentis contains 100 million colonies of Lactobacillus Reuteuri DSM 17938 and Lactobacillus Reuteri ATCC PTA 5289. Research maintains improved dental health, better gums and boost oral microbiome and reduce bad breath. Suitable for adults and children.

The other probiotic encouraged, especially if cavities and sore throats are prevalent, is BLIS technology from New Zealand. A lozenge or powder that delivers Streptococci Salivarus, which inhibits Streptococci Pyogenes sore throats and Streptococci Mutans, the main bug involved with tooth decay. These lozenges or powder can be placed in the cheek next to the teeth at night before bed or can be sprinkled into a baby’s mouth and safe during pregnancy. Without this bacteria, thriving there can be no tooth decay. Therefore, dental Wellness has introduced this product into its preventive regime.

When you drink water or any other refreshment, you need to be aware of its pH level. As you can see, everything we put into our body affects the natural colonisation of the mouth and gut. This can lead to a higher risk of not just tooth decay and gum disease but also risk chronic debilitating digestive disorders.

Dental Wellness prides itself on integrating scientifically researched natural health products into its preventative dental program.

Keep Smiling,
It’s good for You!

Dr David Cowhig, the founder of the Dental Wellness clinics, is a pioneer in holistic metal free dentistry & aesthetics, providing scientific-based biological dentistry. We support you as an individual and take into account the variety of factors that can lead to dental and oral health problems. We believe passionately that creating health and beauty around us is an integral part of life and you will feel these qualities in our dental care. You can find us at The Gap in Brisbane, focussing on holistic aesthetic total metal-free dentistry.

Contact Dental Wellness on 07 3511 1399 or email