You may have some concerns with visiting Dental Wellness for any treatment at present. Let me reassure you that we follow strict guidelines set down by Workplace Health and Safety at the dental practice. You will be used to seeing us with gloves and masks as standard and these are single patient use only. All surfaces are wiped down thoroughly with hospital grade disinfectant also between every patient and also at the reception area.

Dental Wellness has invested in an ionising air purifier in the air conditioning that works all day long destroying any mould, bacteria and virus and any VOC’s.

A common question asked is “What can I do to boost my own body defence and immunity?”
As well as disciplined personal hygiene, my advice to you, my staff and my family is to optimise Vitamin C, Zinc and D3 levels. Cod liver oil has historically been a simple solution for Vitamin A & D for all the family. If you are confined to your home then try to get some sun on your skin for 15 minutes also and turn off your wifi as much as possible to reduce EMF body stress especially at night.

If you have an appointment booked and would like to avoid the dental lounge there is an option of seating in our garden lounge or even your car in the car park and our staff will notify you when we are ready.

Keep Smiling,
It’s good for You!

Dr David Cowhig, the founder of the Dental Wellness clinics, is a pioneer in holistic metal free dentistry & aesthetics, providing scientific-based biological dentistry. We support you as an individual and take into account the variety of factors that can lead to dental and oral health problems. We believe passionately that creating health and beauty around us is an integral part of life and you will feel these qualities in our dental care. You can find us at The Gap in Brisbane, focussing on holistic aesthetic total metal-free dentistry.

Contact Dental Wellness on 07 3511 1399 or email