How safe are amalgam fillings and should I replace them? It is very likely that you asked yourself this question and wondering if it’s worth the effort and cost.

For starters, dental amalgams are made from an alloy of silver, tin, copper and zinc, combined with 50% mercury.

Based on different autopsy studies, it is evident that mercury from fillings can bioaccumulate in the brain, kidneys, liver and heart and cause a variety of health symptoms.

In my latest video, I explain in more detail the potential risk of mercury fillings and possible solutions.

These are the topics I’ll cover in the video:

  • Why amalgam fillings should concern you 0:22
  • Why mercury in the amalgam can leach out into your body 0:35
  • Which regions of the body can be affected 0:55
  • Why some people react very sensitive to mercury exposure 1:02
  • Why we are using the S.M.A.R.T. protocol to protect the patient, staff and environment 1:20
  • Why amalgam fillings turn into toxic waste after being removed 1:45
  • Why ceramics, like Zirconia ceramic, or a bio-ceramic are the prefect solution 2:07
  • What are the negative effects of different metals in the mouth 2:40
  • What is causing a metallic taste in your mouth 3:00
  • Main reasons why we are a 100% metal-free practice 3:13


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