Your bit your health

Mostly we associate a double chin, sagging jaws, wrinkles and thinning lips with ageing. As a result, many people turn to excessive cosmetics applications or procedures like dermal fillers, Botox, or surgical facelifts to achieve a more youthful appearance.

No judgement here, but when you link facial changes with headaches, neck and back pain, cracking, popping jaws, ringing in the ears, deafness and sinus congestion, you start to realize that there is a deeper reason why your dentist may be able to help.

When patients get headaches, clicking and popping jaw joints, age prematurely, and grind their teeth at night, they have a bite problem. This disorder relates not only to the relationship between the lower and upper teeth but also to the jaws that support the teeth, the jaw joints and the cervical spine. Few people equate their neck and back pain with dental arches, yet a poor bite can create muscle tension.

Research shows that 90% of headaches are tension-related, and if this tension comes from the jaws, it makes sense to correct the bite. The good news is that as the bite is corrected, the height and position of the teeth restored, the knock-on effect is a change in facial form, a more youthful appearance, a non-surgical facelift if you like and a reduction in pain.

Headaches, neck and back pain, sleepless nights caused by snoring or sleep apnoea, and breathing difficulties in children can all be helped with the aid of dental appliances specifically made to deal with the problems.

When the patient’s jaw position is corrected in relation to the jaw joints and upper teeth, there are health benefits and an improvement in the quality of life. The optimum position of the jaw helps people to look younger and more vital.

This harmony reduces stress and tension within the whole system. Living with chronic pain is both debilitating and ageing; remove the pain, restore function and life becomes renewed.

At Dental Wellness, we assess the situation and provide necessary treatments and referrals for bite problems. As a result, patients may experience a reduction in pain and an improvement in facial form resulting in a more youthful appearance by correcting the bite and restoring the height and position of the teeth.

Oral FITNESS Scorecard-2

Keep Smiling,
It’s good for You!

Dr David Cowhig, the founder of the Dental Wellness clinics, is a pioneer in holistic metal free dentistry & aesthetics, providing scientific-based biological dentistry. We support you as an individual and take into account the variety of factors that can lead to dental and oral health problems. We believe passionately that creating health and beauty around us is an integral part of life and you will feel these qualities in our dental care. You can find us at The Gap in Brisbane, focussing on holistic aesthetic total metal-free dentistry.

Contact Dental Wellness on 07 3511 1399 or email

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